Word Analysis

During our editing we have used a bulk text analysis to identify key dates, unusual word uses, scanning, editing and spelling errors (including finding typeset errors inherited from earlier editions) and to develop a concordance file. We hope that we have corrected these but if we find new errors then we will list these in the Errata pages on this web site.

The Doctor Antonio book has a word count of approximately 138,000 words long and has around just under 12,700 different words (the vast majority are English with a few Latin, Italian and French words).

The top 100 words by use account for around 53.8% of the total words of the book. This is by no means unusual as the combined works of Shakespeare, for example, also have the top 100 words used for 53.7% of all words (Shakespeare has just under 29,000 unique words).

Words that occur only once account for just under 48% of the unique words used (compare this to  Shakespeare in which 43.3% of unique words are used just once).

The top 1% of unique words used account for about 56.7% of the total words of the book (compare this to  Shakespeare in which the top 1% of unique words used account for 66.7% of total words).

The Top 100 words used in Doctor Antonio are,

the 8791
of 5133
to 4273
and 4165
a 3196
in 2323
that 1782
his 1557
was 1507
he 1377
i 1294
as 1217
it 1171
with 1112
you 1111
for 1064
her 1041
at 1041
had 1040
on 1027
is 1013
not 948
antonio 825
this 743
be 739
doctor 723
all 720
by 707
but 699
so 657
which 652
have 624
lucy 604
one 562
from 562
sir 560
she 545
john 533
said 516
him 509
an 447
no 421
my 418
are 416
who 404
we 404
were 397
or 393
what 367
would 350
there 344
me 338
they 336
their 320
if 318
do 316
been 309
when 293
will 290
little 287
some 281
very 278
up 278
more 276
such 265
your 263
now 258
out 254
could 252
then 247
time 230
than 228
after 225
man 220
any 212
two 210
them 210
how 210
only 209
did 209
like 204
made 201
about 200
day 189
has 188
good 188
into 184
being 184
speranza 183
see 177
must 177
its 176
first 176
most 175
davenne 175
say 174
himself 171
should 170
can 170
once 168

From this list it becomes easy to guess which are the main characters in order of importance i.e. Antonio, (Doctor), Lucy, (Sir) John, Speranza, (Davenne). Read the book and discover why !

Shakespeare References source: The Open Source Shakespeare.

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